Episode 5
“The Yellow Peril”
Trotters Independent Traders has got a job painting a Chinese restaurant but Del gives the job to Rodney and Grandad as he is busy. The job is finished with the Chinese restaurant having had a new lick of yellow paint. Del returns home and greets Trigger, who reveals to Rodney that the paint he supplied Del with is dodgy… and luminous. Fortunately, the restaurant’s owner is delighted with the work but there is an issue: Del used the paint to paint his mother’s grave… so now it looks radioactive! Del decides to keep quiet and flees the scene.
Episode 6
“It Never Rains…”
Trotters Independent Trading has been forced off the market, with the continuing downpour keeping most of Peckham indoors. While drowning their sorrows in The Nag’s Head, Alex the travel agent mentions that business is slow and he can’t give holidays away at the moment. As a promotional gimmick, Del suggests offering an 80% discount on a holiday to the next customer in the shop – and who happens to walk by, but Derek Trotter. Having sold sun hats in the rain, Rodders has managed to earn some travel cash, but he is dismayed to learn that the 80% discount only extends to a grotty hotel in Benidorm. And despite not being included in the bargain, the brothers reluctantly pay for Grandad to join them on their escape to the sun. During the whole holiday, Del and Rodney check out the local talent, while Grandad cramps their style: especially when they bring two girls back to their apartment, only for the old man to scare them off with his dentures. Things get a bit more serious when Grandad is arrested. He is worried that the arrest is for an old incident ‘during the war’ – but it turns out that he was arrested for jay-walking and is released without charge. Much to Del’s annoyance.
Episode 7
“A Touch of Glass”
Returning from an auction, the Trotters stop to help a woman whose car appears to have broken down. It is revealed that she is Lady Ridgemere, wife of Lord Ridgemere who owns the Ridgemere Hall Estate. Having towed the Lady to her stately home, Del overhears that Lord Ridgemere is having trouble with the firm he’s hired to clean their chandeliers. He wastes no time in offering the Trotters’ services as chandelier cleaners for a mere £350. Rodney and Del are up ladders, holding an old sheet to stop the cut-glass chandelier crashing to the floor when Grandad unscrews it. But Grandad unscrews another chandelier, which smashes on the floor. As a horrified butler walks into the hall, the Trotters make a swift exit, barely giving Rodney enough time to climb into the van before Del floors it.
Episode 8 – Christmas Special (1982)
“Diamonds Are for Heather”
Del has the Yuletide blues, and drinks away his loneliness at a Spanish night at The Nag’s Head. There he meets Heather, who seems to be one friend short of company. Del Boy, ever the gentleman, entertains her and sees her home safely. At her flat he discovers that she has a young son, by a husband who seems to have joined a very long queue at the Job Centre eighteen months ago and not come back. In no time at all their romance blossoms and all is running so smoothly that Del decides to propose. However, when he takes her for a candle-lit curry, she refuses his offer of marriage. Her husband has returned, employed as a department store Santa, and she wants to give it another go, leaving Del Boy without an angel for Christmas.